Tillfälligt erbjudande t.o.m. 28/2 p.g.a avveckling av nätet - Vi KÖPER er 2G/3G hjullastarvåg vid byte till Lundaman P2! Gäller oavsett befintligt vågfabrikat!

Immobilizer for the wheel loader scale

Wheel loader scale with immobilizer

For every extra bucket of material that the machine operator misses or forgets to account for, there is a costly loss of material for the construction company. 
On an annual basis, the amounts involved are quite high. To overcome the problem, Lundaman Instrument launched an immobilizer on Lundaman P2. The function also makes it easier to check that working time regulations are complied with in accordance with the quarry permit.

We also offer the GPS tracking function as an option, which gives you the opportunity to secure both machine and material. 
With GPS tracking you will also be able to check where the machine was and did its loading so that it matches the selected material on the transaction. 

ljungbymaskin med lundaman hjullastarvåg

Keep track of costs

Det gäller att hålla koll på sina kostnader och följa myndigheternas föreskrifter när det gäller arbetstider. Med Lundaman Instruments nya startspärr blir detta möjligt. Varje maskinförare får nämligen en personlig kod till lastvågen där startspärren sitter. Den registrerar alla lyft som respektive förare utför med hjullastaren. This information is then compared with the receipts and work orders submitted. The information also shows the times of day when the work was carried out. Sker arbetet i närliggande bostadsområden måste regelverket följas om man vill undvika böter.

Since each driver has a personal code, the contractor knows who to contact to correct any errors. It saves both a lot of time and money.

A simpler administrative everyday life

In addition to keeping track of load weight and working hours, the Lundaman Professional load scale also facilitates everyday administrative work. All stored information from the load scale is transferred in a transaction file to the office computer, wirelessly or via memory card. It then forms the basis for invoicing and reconciliation