Tillfälligt erbjudande t.o.m. 28/2 p.g.a avveckling av nätet - Vi KÖPER er 2G/3G hjullastarvåg vid byte till Lundaman P2! Gäller oavsett befintligt vågfabrikat!

Increase the safety of materials and machines with an immobilizer! 

Hjullastare med hjullastarvåg schaktar grus

Inom entreprenadverksamhet är varje försummad skopa grus eller glömd redovisning av material inte bara en förlust av resurser utan också en betydande ekonomisk utmaning för företaget. För att tackla detta utmanande problem har Lundaman Instrument lanserat en innovativ funktion, startspärren, som integrerats i deras lastmaskinvågar. Utöver att lösa materialhanteringsfrågor underlättar denna funktion även övervakning av arbetstider i enlighet med täkttillstånd och myndighetsföreskrifter.

Increased control and cost savings 

Startspärren på hjullastarvågarna från Lundaman Instrument gör det möjligt att registrera varje lyft som utförs av maskinförare. Genom att tilldela varje förare en personlig kod kan varje lyft spåras och jämföras med inkommande kvitton och arbetsorderna. Detta säkerställer korrekt redovisning av materialhantering och arbetstider, vilket minimerar risken för förluster på grund av felaktigheter eller bristande dokumentation.

Follow authority requirements and working time regulations 

By using the immobilizer, it becomes possible to comply with applicable laws and regulations for work near residential areas or sensitive areas. This is essential to avoid any fines or penalties that may arise if the regulations are not followed correctly. 

Effective management of information and resources 

The personal code assigned to each driver facilitates the company's point of contact in the event of any deviations or errors. This saves both time and money by enabling faster and more accurate correction of any mistakes. In addition, Lundaman Professional's load scale not only facilitates the monitoring of load weight and working hours, but also contributes to smoother administrative everyday life. All collected information is transferred to the office computer in the form of transaction files, which is used as a basis for invoicing and reconciliation. 

What is a wheel loader scale? 

A wheel loader scale is a specialized road device mounted on a wheel loader to accurately measure the weight of the load during loading or moving. This device is equipped with sensors that are integrated into the loader and read the weight in real time. By using wheel loader scales, users can quickly and accurately weigh materials transported or lifted, which facilitates industrial applications such as construction, mining and material handling. By offering instant weighing during loading, wheel loader scales optimize efficiency and ensure proper handling of the load. 

Final thoughts 

With the immobilizer, Lundaman Instrument has not only solved the problem of lost materials and insufficient documentation, but has also created a system that increases safety, efficiency and compliance with legal requirements. By integrating this technology into material handling, companies can minimize losses and increase both productivity and confidence in their operations. 

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