Tillfälligt erbjudande t.o.m. 28/2 p.g.a avveckling av nätet - Vi KÖPER er 2G/3G hjullastarvåg vid byte till Lundaman P2! Gäller oavsett befintligt vågfabrikat!


classic hjullastarvåg

Smooth Classic

Get control 

Load scales that everyone can manage

In daily work, only two buttons are used.

Feel free to contact us at Lundaman, and we will explain more about how we can help you with an easier unloading.

  • Weighs while driving
  • Only two buttons are required during daily work
  • 20 working memories
  • Possible to separate car & trailer
  • Can be moved between multiple machines
  • Programmable for 10 different implements
loader lundaman32332

Guide for usage


  • Curvable with Accuracy of +/- 1%
  • Pause function
  • Removal of residual weight
  • Printer for printing weighing slips with 1-3 copies
  • Printing of old weighings
  • The most easy-to-use load scale on the market
ljungbymaskin med lundaman hjullastarvåg

Simple functions

It is possible to set the load scale for 2 machines and 10 buckets per machine. The function can be valuable when using different buckets, pallet forks, bait grips, etc. and if the same Lundaman Classic needs to be used in several machines. 

The load scale is equipped with a memory which, among other things, can provide information on how much was loaded on a certain truck during a day, week or month or how much was crushed of different materials.

Lundaman Classic also has functions for removing remaining weight, removing the last bucket, zero taring, separating car and trailer, pause, switching between tons and kg and more. When using a printer, the number of buckets loaded on the car, total amount, time and date, bill of lading number and personal bill of scale sheet text in the form of company name, telephone, addresses and more are displayed.