Wheel loader scale

Hjullastarvågar är vägsystem som är utformade för att monteras på hjullastare för vägning av laster direkt under användning. Dessa vågar spelar en avgörande roll inom industriell verksamhet, konstruktion och materialhantering genom att erbjuda en effektiv lösning för vägning av material i rörelse.

Get control

We have two versions of scales with different options

Our options for the scales


A certified scale is a form of authority-approved guarantee that the scale weighs correctly.


It records all lifts that the respective driver performs with the wheel loader


Through GPS tracking, you can easily track a specific load from the office.


On the scale sheet there is information about bucket weight, total weight, date and time as well as your own text

Cooperation with NCC

Lundaman's new weighing system P2 helps our customers take a step into the future by digitizing their loading. Here you can see a little about our collaboration with NCC, where together we develop the scale to make everyday life more efficient, both for machinists and in the office when invoicing.

Users and how it facilitates

Here you meet supervisor Erik Goude and machinist Mattias Johansson, who talk about their everyday life and how one of NCC's many Lundaman P2s helps them load correctly.

The information is then automatically entered into NCC's business system when Mattias makes sure that the truck received the right amount

More features

In addition to this, we have functions such as inventory control to keep track of what is loaded internally, quick buttons to enter repeat customers, order processing in the scale and much more.

ncc anvander lundaman p2 hjullastarvag

Cooperation with NCC

Features and working principles of wheel loader scales

Wheel loader scales are equipped with sensors that are mounted on the wheel loader and are designed to accurately sense the weight of the load being lifted. These sensors capture the weight of the load in real time and transmit the data to a display unit in the cab, enabling the operator to quickly and accurately monitor the weight of the material being lifted or moved.

It is easy and flexible to link information to specific loading, which is used as a basis for invoicing. This information can be retrieved manually from our wave server or sent automatically to the desired business system through API connection.

Areas of use

These scales are used in various industries and applications, such as construction, mining, recycling, agriculture and logistics. By allowing immediate weighing while loading and moving materials, wheel loader scales enable more efficient material handling and optimize transportation processes.

Advantages of wheel loader scales

– Effektivitet: Möjligheten att väga laster medan de lyfts minskar tidsförbrukningen och ökar produktiviteten.

– Noggrannhet: Kröningsbara lastvågar med högst 1% differens.

– Kostnadseffektivitet: Optimerar resursanvändningen och minimerar felaktig lastning. Förenklar faktureringen vilket kräver mindre administrativ tid.

– Internhantering: Få koll på lagersaldo och hur mycket som körts upp av ett visst material